The Nauset Rod And Gun Club is currently accepting self-nominations for officer positions within the club for the 2024–2025 season.
Since 1947, the Nauset Rod And Gun Club has been a volunteer run organization, with an affordable membership fee, dedicated to shooting sports on the Outer Cape. Our Members of all ages, their guests and local police departments benefit from the availability of our ranges.
However, we need your help to continue. We have openings on our board of directors for people who are willing to help. The board meets once a month, except for the summer, and is responsible for the strategic direction and operations of our club.
Specifically, we are in need of:
- Treasurer – Terry Bickal Marr will be stepping down after 6 years in the role. This person is responsible for keeping the club’s checkbook and making sure all of our bills are paid.
- Corresponding Secretary – This person is responsible for answering the emails and letters sent to the club.
- Director, membership – this person is responsible for checking the references of new members and conducting the once-a-month safety walk-through for new members.
- Director, at large – this person is responsible for participating in board meetings and providing ideas and feedback on issues presented to the board.
- Officers and Directors must be a member in good standing for at least 1 year.
If you are willing to serve in one of these rolls, please contact Ed Tesson at Your name will be put forth for a vote to take place at our annual meeting on June 27th. The deadline for submitting nominations is Monday, June 24th. No nominations accepted after that or from the floor of the meeting.